About AOA

The Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) is the peak professional organisation for orthopaedic surgery in Australia.

AOA is a not-for-profit organisation that:
  • provides high-quality specialist education, training and continuing professional development for Australian orthopaedic surgeons
  • is committed to ensuring the highest possible standard of orthopaedic care
  • is the leading authority in the provision of orthopaedic information to the community
  • actively supports scientific research and orthopaedic humanitarian initiatives in Australia and overseas.
AOA has more than 1800 members, consisting of most orthopaedic consultants and trainees (registrars) in Australian hospitals and spanning all orthopaedic subspecialties.
The aims, objectives and plan of action for AOA over the next three years are outlined in our AOA Strategic Plan 2022-24.

AOA Governance

The Australian Orthopaedic Association's corporate structure is one of a public company limited by guarantee.

AOA is governed by a Board of Directors elected by Fellows of the Association. The Board of Directors appoints a Chief Executive Officer to implement the strategy and manage the operations of the organisation.

The Board of Directors' key performance roles are strategy formulation and policy making. The Board’s key compliance roles are to provide accountability and monitor and supervise the organisation. The compliance and performance roles are approved by the Board and are worked through, and with, the Chief Executive Officer.

AOA is a national organisation with six state/territory branches. The Association is headquartered in Sydney and has 15 full-time staff. In addition, AOA employs three staff to provide full support to the AOA National Joint Replacement Registry, based in Adelaide, and has staff support in other states assisting with local education and technology initiatives.

A large number of AOA members provide input in voluntary positions on committees or working groups. Many of its members also belong to various subspecialty groups.

Under its umbrella, AOA also administers: AOA also has a close working relationship with Orthopaedic Outreach – the humanitarian arm of the AOA. Orthopaedic Outreach is based at AOA's head office in Sydney.