AOA Fellowship Accreditation Process

Application Process

Applications must be submitted by the end of the month prior the Fellowships Committee meeting to allow RTCs to review the applications prior to the Fellowships Committee meeting.

Applications can be made by completing the Online Application Form.  A fee is payable at the time of the application (please note that this fee is per AOA accredited fellowship). Only complete applications will be processed.

Once a complete application form is received, the following will occur:

  1. The application will be assessed against the minimum accreditation requirements as outlined in Section 1 of the AOA Accredited Fellowships Policy.

  2. Regional Training Committee (RTC) support will be sought to ensure that the program is not detrimental to the training experience of orthopaedic SET trainees.

  3. The RTC may decline to support the application if there is significant impact to SET orthopaedic registrars OR if there is local knowledge to suggest the program is not of sufficient standard.

  4. Following the RTC, the application will be forwarded to the Fellowships Committee for assessment; meetings of this Committee will occur quarterly, or as required.

  5. The Fellowships Committee will make a decision regarding the accreditation of the program.

  6. Where accreditation is granted, a summary of the program will be listed on the AOA accredited programs page of the AOA website

Please note that the accreditation of fellowship programs is not an automatic process.

For more information regarding AOA Accredited Fellowships, please review the AOA Accredited Fellowships Policy.